While Wikileaks criminal, Julian Assange, obviously didn’t get enough attention from his parents as a child, he may have, in his treachery, done the United States a favor.
After reviewing some of the ‘bombshells’ Assange illegally obtained and published in order to fill his gaping need for recognition, I actually come away from the disclosures feeling somewhat comforted that the our State Department has an awfully good grip on what is happening in virtually every corner of the world.
Surely, there will be some embarrassment. And to the extent that the Wikileaks exposures hurt people around the world or make American foreign policy more difficult to execute, Assange – and soldier Bradley Manning, Assange’s accomplice working inside the Pentagon- should be strung up by the toes.
But the nefarious plan carried out by these people has exposed some nasty weaknesses in our government’s systems – weaknesses that would permit a lowly intelligence officer to get his hands on millions of classified diplomatic cables and make them available to press outlets more interested in selling papers than protecting national security.